Summer, Love, etc…
My friends often comment: how can you do so many things? Another comment I often get: we cannot follow where you are, you move too much....
So yes, I crashed myself
For the last 3 months I am going through a major life crash and I am learning a ton of new stuff about myself, my loved ones, my friends...
The power of Forgiveness
Sometimes we feel heavy because we carry the weight of grief and anger from the past. We may still be upset with our parents, our...
The power of water
The rule of 8 glasses of water per day to keep our health on the top is not scientifically verified, yet it does not mean we don't need...
Why I just don’t eat white sugar?
I haven’t eaten white sugar. For 25 years. Of course, I can get a great chocolate cake, eat a pack of M&Ms in the cinema or a whole...
Enjoy your meal!
Why I am not a fan of dieting? Because everybody has a different body and different needs. It is like postures: we can go to the yoga...
So you want to lose weight?
Do you feel fat? Sluggish? Are you currently HATING YOUR BODY? I am not sure if it is because of the Spring season and the vision of...
My velouté of Asparagus recipe
To surprise your guests or just give a glamour touch to your ordinary dinner, you can prepare the healthy and refreshing asparagus in a...
Behavioral Impact of Stress
The behavioral impact of stress exposure: -Starting lot of things without finishing (chores, tasks, projects) -Shutting yourself off of...
Mental Impact of Stress
The negative mental impact of stress: -Lack of concentration -Forgetfulness -Inability to take in new informations -Lack of coordination...