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Time of change : Spring in Ayurveda

We are living a time of change. The transition from one season to another is always challenging, even if it feels nice to feel the warm sunshine on our skin and hear birds chirping. There is a necessity to let go of the old that is not serving anymore and make space for the new. It is true not only for our body and energy, but also for our new projects and career, as well as for our insight about us and our relationships.

In Ayurveda, the sister of yoga, the ancient Indian healing system to restore us and find the balance, Spring is associated with Kapha Dosha. It is the quality of the heaviness, inertia, even laziness that we can feel in winter. We withdraw and stay “inside”. It is as well the time for introspection. It is the stagnant energy.

In Spring, we have to cultivate the opposite qualities of Kapha: heat, movement, action.

For me, the HEAT in yoga is represented by TAPAS, one of the Niyamas, the principles to cultivate in ourselves.


  1. Passion that inspires commitment.

  2. Fire that we need to nourish, so our transformation process goes on.

  3. Discipline that brings us towards inner freedom.

  4. Commitment to practice for which we need courage, patience and trust.

So, what are my recommendations for our lifestyle during this Spring season?

Here we go:

1.Wake up early

According to Ayurveda, we should wake up with the sun. Try to get up around 6 AM and enjoy the moment of the slow passing towards the day. Write a journal and set the intent for the day.

2. Move

In this time, your muscles strength is best between 6.00 - 10.00 AM. Take this time for a fast walk, Sun Salutations practice or light jogging. It is the best time for vigorous exercise.

3. Breathe

Use the Kapalbhati breath to cleanse your skull and activate the inner fire. It is a rapid, strong and short exhalation after the inhalation.

4. Eat Green

It is the time to lighten your plate and your body. Get rid of the heavy and fat we tend to eat in winter time.

Add to your plate bitter, pungent and astringent tastes (skip salty, sweet and sour).

You can find it in kale, spinach, green peas, asparagus; strawberries and blueberries; quinoa, barley, millet.

It is definitely the time for a turmeric and lemon warm morning drink: turmeric is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer spice. Go for it.

You can add also some pepper to your food and make more heat in the system.

5. Declutter

You cannot bring something new to your life if you don’t make space first. So declutter your home, your relationships and your opinions on how things should be.

Think about the new habits you need to cultivate in order to enhance the quality of your life.

Write this ONE THING, ONE HABIT, ONE ACTION you need to take in order to have better health, a better job or a better relationship.

Let go first of the old one. Then, step by step, build/realise the new one.

Spring is the time to renew, clean the old, transform and grow. I wish you a beautiful new season.

Check as well my anti-stress food post: You are what you eat.

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