Clarity, get out of the cloud
Is your brain cluttered with too many thoughts, too many worries, too many possibilities? Do you feel stuck in any situation and you just cannot clearly decide what the next step should be? Do you SEE and HEAR one thing but you FEEL a different thing inside your gut? How to gain clarity in your life?
Clarity is our natural state of Mind. We always have it, but we often get so caught up in the drama and needs of others, into our own perceptions and veil of ignorance, that we feel like our brain is just a chaos of emotions, desires and repulsions.
We all know the feeling of being on autopilot and then getting lost… We lose the connection with our emotions and with our inner peace, because our thoughts are running between the resentment and regrets from the past, worries for the future, we rehearse the stories we lived and we imagine the scenarios that will probably never happen…
Clarity is 100% your responsibility and it is not me, your parents, your friends, or your partner that can give it to you. The work starts with knowing the answers for several questions and developing self-awareness: the answers will serve you as a map, the self-awareness as a compass.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself:
From where do you get your feeling of self-worth?
What do you really need in your life?
What is your deepest desire?
What is your biggest fear?
What are your top 5 values?
What does integrity mean to you?
Now, the clarity is, actually, the decision: in the duality of our existence, everything has 2 sides and usually we make decisions about everything all the time, all day long: what do I wear, what do I eat, what do I work on, to whom do I speak, where do I go tonight, with whom I live…
To make a decision we have to cut off ALL THE OTHER POSSIBILITIES.
It means, when you make a decision for ONE direction, you have to let go the other options. You have to accept their loss.
In order to accept the loss and, more importantly, to BE AWARE of this loss, you need to be clear on the OPPORTUNITY COST.
Opportunity cost refers to a benefit that a person could have received, but gave up, to take another course of action.
Opportunity Cost = Return of Most Lucrative Option - Return of Chosen Option
So how to get back the clarity in your life?
Realise that you are not clear, you are a mess or you are stuck.
Put on a paper WHAT options you have
List all the emotions that are getting in your way (anger, frustration, sadness, greed, jealousy, insecurity, anxiety, fear…).
Check if the decision you are most willing to take is based on FEAR or TRUST. If it is based on fear, check again all above. The decisions that you take based on fear are ALWAYS limiting you, your life and your potential. When it becomes a habit, you spend your life in your comfort zone, playing small, being more and more scared.
Weight the opportunity cost. Are you OK with it?
Are you ready to let go all other options? Aren’t you? So you will stay stuck.
Check your answers to the points 1-6 at the beginning of the article. Is your chosen option aligned with your values? Is it something you want? Is it aligned with your integrity?
Close your eyes and FEEL like you are already living the decision you have to make. Does it feel good? Do you feel relaxed in your body? Then please, go for it. It may work. It may not. But if it feels good, there are chances it will be the path which is worth to be explored.
The worst thing you can do when facing any decision, is to stay stuck for too long. No action is also an action, so bear the consequences.
JUST DO IT. In worst-case scenario, you will learn that it is not the way.
Make always sure that you are taking the responsibility for your choice or lack of it. It is the most important part of any decision making.